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  • Writer's pictureSarah Kearsley

Reflecting on a Sweet Spring

It has been a sweet spring at Roberts Farm! In January, our 5th grade students started to learn about the maple syrup process. We studied why sugar maples are the best trees to tap, what a sugar maple looks like in the winter, and how to predict when the sap will run.

Over the following months, we connected these Roberts Farm experiences with classroom studies of States of Matter and what happens to the molecules in a liquid when the water from sap evaporates.

Students collected sap from five trees in “Maple Grove” and hiked it back to the classroom so we could make syrup. “Maple Grove” is a section of the Noyes Snowshoe trail that has a number of big, beautiful maples. Fifth grade classes are not the first to tap these trees, members of the Roberts Family tapped these same trees for decades. When hiking along the Snowshoe trail today, you can see remnants of this operation, including the foundation of their sap house, pieces of the chimney, and the buckets they used to collect sap.

To top it all off, our 5th grade classes had the chance to sample the Roberts Farm syrup on pancakes they made!

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